Human Design Head Center | S3 Ep 37

Human design is like your secret weapon and secret tool in your self development box, your emotional intelligence toolbox, the more you know yourself intimately.

Boundaries!!! For Relationships – Don’t settle | Empath Weekly Cosmic Forecast S3 Ep 36

Empaths need to draw boundaries and persevere in their pursuits of their dreams. Human Design Gate Transits and Astrology for your Weekly Cosmic Forecast.

Breaking Ancestral Patterns with Healed Ancestor Guided Meditation| S3 Ep 35

Connecting with your healed ancestor gives you guidance, strength and wisdom to break the negative patterns passed down. You are here to stop the toxic cycle.

Heal Trauma from Narcissistic Abuse with Sky Breathing Technique| S3 Ep 27

How all humans can heal trauma, vacate negative emotions and attract joy, love and abundance in your life after narcissistic emotional abuse through Breath work meditation by The Art of Living Sky Breath meditation.