Narcissist Abuse Q and A

Your Questions Answered Daily

Are Narcissists dangerous? Can a narcissist cry? How narcissist break up with you? What do narcissists say? Which sign that my lover is a narcissist?

All these questions answered here!

Are Narcissists Dangerous?

Photo by Vijay Putra on

There is a wide range of behavior of the narcissist from an unaware self centered person who acts out of narcissistic tendencies, to a full blown NPD Psychopath who stalks and harms to satisfy a need…read more

Are Narcissists born or made?

Photo by Anugrah Lohiya on

Due to the insidious nature of the narcissist, they will never change. Some ask, were you born this way? And other think, or were you made this way?… read more

Are Narcissists ever happy?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Narcissist is a tornado and get a high off of how they make people react and how they control people. And that feeling of superiority is their happiness. read more

Why do Narcissists like to Control?

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Why do Narcissists like to control? Most Narcissists who do these things may not control intentionally. They, they don’t set out to…read more (coming soon)

Are Narcissists violent?

Photo by Budgeron Bach on

“You’re too sensitive!” — “No one will believe you!” “you made me so angry if you had just done X, then I wouldn’t have hurt you.” Are these phrases familiar?… Then you may be dealing with a narcissist. And it could cost you your life…. read more

What is the Emotion Code?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

During an Emotion/ Body Code session we are working with the subconscious mind. Through muscle testing coming soon… read Release Trauma from Narcissistic Abuse with the Emotion Codemore coming soon

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This podcast is a breathe of fresh air! and full of knowledge for anyone needing guidance, help and encouragement when dealing with a narcissist.

The Real Nessi

Raven has created a much needed dialogue of allowing freedom from within. This subject of narcissism is often hidden in the closet, until it becomes too late.

Mark V. Smith


Raven is a Narcissist Abuse Coach, Author of Empath & The Narcissist & Podcast Host of Empath & The Narcissist.

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Reach out so we can work together to support you to regain your sparkle back after Narcissistic Abuse.

Los Angeles, CA

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4:00 am – 5:00 pm
4:00 am – 5:00 pm
4:00 am – 5:00 pm