Unlocking Your Authentic Voice: Human Design Throat Center

In Human Design, the Throat Center is a vital energy center that governs communication, self-expression, and manifestation. It serves as the bridge between our inner world and the external reality, influencing how we express our unique selves in the world. Within the Throat Center, there are several gates, each representing a specific aspect of communicationContinue reading “Unlocking Your Authentic Voice: Human Design Throat Center”

How Your Boosted Ego Can Fall so Fast. Human Design Weekly Impact

This is your Weekly Human Design Gate Impact Similar to the Astrology forecast, Gates that transit the Sun on the Human Design Mandala impact our energies at about 70% of the neutrino influence.  The neutrinos are the tiny mass-less particles that carry the energy of the Planet’s and moments down into our energy bodies.  ThisContinue reading “How Your Boosted Ego Can Fall so Fast. Human Design Weekly Impact”

Gate 5 Patterns – Trust in Time

The Sun is in Sagittarius’s Gate 5 Patterns (Dec. 3-8, 2023)  I Ching: Waiting Zodiac: Sagittarius Gene Key: Shadow: Impatience – Gift in the Lesson: Patience – Enlightenment: Timelessness This is in your Sacral Center.  If you have it defined (circled in a color) then you have a consistent ability to wait and be patient.Continue reading “Gate 5 Patterns – Trust in Time”

Human Design Gate 18 Correction: Empaths Healing Guide for the Aries’ Full Moon in Libra Season

Dear Empathic Soul, We are approaching an astrologically significant event that holds the potential to deeply impact our emotional and spiritual well-being — the Full Moon in Aries, while the Sun harmoniously aligns on the opposite side in Libra. This celestial phenomenon, set to grace our skies on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 2:57 AMContinue reading “Human Design Gate 18 Correction: Empaths Healing Guide for the Aries’ Full Moon in Libra Season”

Embrace Autumn’s Libra Season: A Time for Inner Child Healing and Balance

Enchanted Autumn and embrace the energies of Libra, a time of transformation. In the Human Design chart there are strong identity center themes

New Moon in Virgo Human Design Gates with Tarot Reading

This New Moon provides the perfect opportunity to take a step back, tune into what is not working and your own needs, and make transformative choices. Tarot, human design gates for Sept 14, 2023 New Moon