Embrace the New Moon in Taurus: Rituals to Step into Your Pleasure, Luxury, and Power

This potent time in 2024 invites us to shed old layers and embrace the new, aligning with our truest selves and deepest desires.

Healing from Narc Abuse Through New Moon Rituals: A Guide for Pisces Season

Learn the healing power of New Moon Rituals if you are a Pisces who is struggling with Narc Abuse. This guide provides spiritual advice, rituals, and helpful resources so you can start to heal and move forward in your life.

12 Days til Christmas: 12 Days of Zodiac Day 12

Dear Empath, Today is day 12: Pisces ♓️ , of my annual tradition of meditating on the 12 zodiac signs one day at a time. This is the last day!!! Before we get into Pisces, let’s talk about 2023 intentions. As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, and now at my 12 year anniversary of leavingContinue reading “12 Days til Christmas: 12 Days of Zodiac Day 12”