Face Your Wounds with Solar Eclipse in Aries

The agitation of this energy initiates an awakening.

The image features a quote surrounded by a frame with a simple illustration of a flower. The quote reads: "Stand in your power with love and respect and consciousness." It is attributed to @ravenscottshow.
Inspirational Quote

Dear Empath,

As we approach this momentous event of the Solar Eclipse in Aries, I want to share with you some areas to focus on in your self reflections.

“These Narcs be Narc-ing” as a big Narc Influencer always says. 

Since the Eclipses have been on the Nodes of Fate since April 2023, you may have been discarded, cheated on, ditched for them to run off to their old supply, been threatened, been insulted with their hatred words, and much more. 

We are feeling the energy of these Eclipses, and eclipses amplifies and reveals to us what is in the unconscious which is painful and here to be healed. 

And if we are feeling it, then the Narc is as well. They have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms, and that is what is coming out and rearing it’s ugly “dragon head.” 

The ancient wisdom believed that the North Node, which is in Aries, and the next Eclipse on April 8 is landing, is the untamable, insatiable head of the dragon. Always pushing, hunting, devouring, etc. 

In Aries this amplifies the ram’s craving for an adrenaline rush at an increase amount since it is right next to the Head of the Dragon. In addition, the small planet Chiron is sitting right beside the Sun. 

This is highlighting the half-man, half-centaur wounded healer in us all. With the Sun purifying it with it’s blinding hot gas, it is a time where you fears and wounds, will become apparently clear. This in Aries, may be areas where we’ve been silenced, pushed down, or blocked from our power. You may also have a quick temper. 

Be mindful of who is pushing your buttons. Who is holding you back from your greatest potential. 

Be brave to face your fears and wounds to compassionately heal and dissolve them. 

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” 

  • Ho’ o pono pono prayer

Trust your inner authority during the eclipse and retrograde season. Mercury Retrograde April 2 – April 25th. 

Practice with your Human Design Experiment. When I learned about the Eclipse I immediately thought what Gate is the North Node in? And the Sun in on April 8?th…

read more below

Did you listen to the “Healing the Throat Center after Narcissistic Trauma” podcast episode yet? 

The image is a promotional poster or advertisement for a podcast episode. It features text that reads: "WHAT DO YOU SPEAK ABOUT? HUMAN DESIGN EDITION" with additional text below mentioning the podcast "@ravenscottshow Empath and the Narcissist Membership Episode." The background has a gradient with a geometric design, and there's an arrow pointing to the right.

Did you listen to the “Healing the Throat Center after Narcissistic Trauma” podcast episode yet?

What is your authentic voice here to share??? That the Narcissist has tried to suppress?

In this episode, I share how to win an argument with the Narcissist and, reveal what your Human Design throat center means if it’s white, colored, and what those numbers mean.

Empaths and sensitive individuals often experience deep wounds in their ability to express themselves authentically after enduring such trauma. We explore how understanding the Throat Center in Human Design can be a powerful tool for healing and reclaiming your voice.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast for more insightful content!

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The image shows a workbook titled "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong: Human Design Workbook for Self-Discovery" with a purple and pink cover featuring a moonlit scene with trees and butterflies. There's additional text that says "AVAILABLE ON AMAZON."
Raven’s new book

Heal from Narcissistic abuse with powerful tools in my Amazon/Audible books. Reclaim your life and thrive! Available now.

Are you ready to heal and gain your power back?

Let’s do this!

Empath and the Narcissist book

Empath’s Guide to Rising Strong book

You may enjoy tomorrow’s episode.

How to Connect to God-Self and Heal from Spiritual Abuse with

Empath and the Narcissist podcast

The Sun is in Gate 51 in the Will center Shock! AND the North Node is also in Gate 51.

And what’s even more aligned, The Earth is in Gate 57 in the Spleen center Intuition, AND the south Node.

If you can picture it, the Gates of the Sun and Head of the Dragon are on one end of the circle in Aries. And the Earth and South Node are on the opposite side of the circle in Libra!

Because Gate 51 Shock has a shadow energy of agitation. There is bound to be some agitation in your life that visits for a time. But remember the lesson through this agitation is initiative. How are you going to act after you’ve been aroused/ shocked in new awareness?

In that moment when you are being attacked, or discovering they cheated on you and betrayed your loyalty and disrespected you. How are you going to initiate the change?

Release the pattern of freezing or fawning. And draw that freakin boundary!

The image shows a quote that reads: "Gate 51 Shocks You into Awareness Like an arrow to your heart." It is attributed to @ravenscottshow. The background consists of a minimalist illustration of three flowers.
Gate 51 Human Design Quote

After my shock experience when my sister told me I deserved to be threatened with a lawsuit by her husband and that I do not deserve my family, I was grateful for the ugly truth. As a Scorpio she always hides her truth to those she interacts with, and I finally got the closure I needed to not reach out and repair that relationship. I initiated my own power and deleted her number from my phone, so I would stop hoovering myself back into her “lair”.

This Eclipse has already or will bring you that opportunity as well!

Human Design Spleen Center with Gate 57 circles and Gate 50 circled

The Earth and South Node represents grounding, releasing, and comfort of subconscious, past life patterns. With them residing in Gate 57 of Intuition provides a beautiful opportunity to ground yourself in your intuition. Listen to your gut, listen to your inner wisdom. And ignore the noise and false narratives of the World around you.

The Shadow is unease, when something is off and we don’t listen we experience unease or even disease. The lesson in this gate is sensitivity, listen and perceive that, don’t push it aside. The Narcissist and toxic narrative always says, Stop being so sensitive.

That is the darkness literally attacking your light.


The image contains a quote that says: "Gate 57 Is your strongest ally - Your intuition. Don't ignore it!" It is attributed to @ravenscottshow. The background features a minimalist illustration of some branches and leaves.
Gate 57 Human Design quote

I’ll share another personal example. This Easter Sunday I was wiping my daughter’s butt and holding her hair back as she puked all day. I literally just listened to Medical Medium’s newest pod episode on Food Poisoning. And I am soooo grateful I did. I felt my intuition being informed and empowered with the fresh information I just received.

I went back through all the food she ate the last four days. And it boiled down to the strawberries. My husband has been buying them from Walmart, and I was just rinsing them. Not soaking them in salt etc. She threw up two other times due to strawberries in the last two week.

Her intuition new right away already. She said no more strawberries in between puking.

I researched the virus most reported in strawberries and it’s Hep A. Hep A is a herbetic virus which burrows and lives dormant in the system if you don’t flush it out. Now I know all of this due to my obsession with Medical Mediums content. And my intuition says yes, this is correct.

The image shows the cover of a book titled "Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal" by Anthony William. The cover features a sliced watermelon with the book's title and subtitle above it. There's also text that reads: "Healing plans for sufferers of anxiety, depression, acne, eczema, Lyme, gut problems, brain fog, weight issues, migraines, bloating, vertigo, psoriasis, cysts, fatigue, PCOS, fibroids, UTI, endometriosis & autoimmune." Additionally, it mentions that Anthony William is the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author of "Liver Rescue and Celery Juice," and it has a foreword by Ilana Zablozki-Amir, M.D.

My husband is a very practical person and doesn’t believe in any alternative holistic therapy and believes everything doctors say is gospel. Ug it sickens me. So I am in real time on Earth battling with someone about how to after care treat our daughter. I mean the irony, as my Soul is here and contracted with him to heal his blood line.

But I am not saying whatever and rolling over anymore. I regret doing that in the past when they were toddlers. And this eclipse my inner warrior is coming out and I’m releasing the passive disempowered Libra Moon pattern and I’m arguing back. I told him everything I just told you and said I believe the virus is still in there and she cannot eat food that is going to feed it.

And he said, nothing because he knows he can’t argue with me when I’m in my power and he doesn’t agree with me still. But I acknowledged his fear of her feeling punished on a restricted diet. And I will be mindful of that and explain every time it’s avenging the virus not a personal decisions.

And the Planets will be in these Gates April 5–10 setting us up and giving us cushion on the front and back end of the Eclipse on April 8th.

So stand in your power with love and respect and consciousness. Harness your inner warrior, and release that fawning damsel in distress fence walker.

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Member only episodes are also ad free and 3 x a week.

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With love and light, 

Raven Scott 

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Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empaths Rising: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at ravenscott.show.

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