16 Tips for Self Care in Virgo Season

If your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or many planets in Virgo, then look in your chart to see what house Virgo resides in and this energy will influence that aspect of your life.
The traits of Virgo are: precise, diligent …

Four Tricks Narcissists use to make Empaths the Problem| S3 Ep 63

Four Tricks Narcissists use to make empaths the problem and perpetuate the emotional abuse cycle. Today I share with you important knowledge and insight to battle narcissism.

Let Go of the Narcissist Causing your Inner Turmoil – 6 Ways to Nurture Yourself in Cancer Season | S3 Ep 61

“The biggest effect on your love life is to love yourself as you wish they loved you. ”  Let Go of the Narcissist Causing you inner Turmoil 6 Ways to Nurture yourself in Cancer Season

Own Your Divine Light in the Soul’s Journey to heal from Narcissistic abuse | S3 Ep 46

Healing after a broken engagement from a Narcissist she was lucky to get away from a cold, heart less man who dumped her because she cried after he insulted her.

When you Cry in Front of a Narcissist they BREAK your HEART | S3 Ep 42

Healing after a broken engagement from a Narcissist she was lucky to get away from a cold, heart less man who dumped her because she cried after he insulted her.

Nourishment for Self & Others | Empath Weekly Gate Forecast 27 and 28

Empaths need to take care of themselves. Human Design Gate Transits and Astrology for your Weekly Cosmic Forecast.for the week of April 22-27 and descriptions of gates 23,27,28

Empath’s Exclusive Human Design Energy Forecast| Gate 51 & 57

Today, I’m sharing with you a clip from the weekly human design transit energy forecast to give you a taste. These are. Recordings that I do weekly.