Why is Ukraine being invaded? Raven Analyzes Putin’s Human Design Chart| S3 Ep 18

Putin’s chart and why he is invading Ukraine.
Human Design hones in what type of person you are more and how you flow through the universe. Human design is not a cult, it’s not a religion.

How to Remove Obstacles in Life to Succeed | Why I Love Human Design | S3 Ep 17.

We don’t always know how we are going to achieve and our goals, but we can know who we are, where we are going, and how to utilize our energy to move like a river rather than hitting up against a dam
Human Design hones in what type of person you are more and how you flow through the universe. Human design is not a cult, it’s not a religion.

What is Human Design?: The Basics Simplified S3 Ep 9

What is Human Design? To get aligned with your soul and your mission and your business or relationships to flow with the universe. Every decision you make, everything that you do. Is either within your strategy or your operating out of your strategy and you were hitting walls repeatedly.