What I Wish Everyone knew About Human Design | S3 Ep 21

Human Design Questions explained: Is it self Improvement?  

“The best way to improve yourself is to learn about yourself.”

-Raven Scott
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

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Healing CPTSD from Childhood Trauma: Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse with Janet Hays Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD

Not all of us had loving, supportive childhoods. It's a sad reality. If you've experienced childhood trauma that led you to believe narcissistic abuse was normal, you're not alone. Join us today and listen in as discuss how to heal your CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). You can break free from the triggers and stress. Tune in to learn how to heal and reclaim your life.Our Guest today, Janet Hays spent 30.5 years married to a negative narcissist and I didn't even know it for over 20 years. The challenges of my upbringing made her the perfect fit for this level of mental and emotional abuse because she learned that her needs were not important. She can relate – It has been so difficult to reconcile her ambition to achieve success as an entrepreneur with the paralyzing emptiness inside of her that has kept her stuck for so many years. Healing from Complex PTSD is a slow process and it can be done! She is doing it, and she is beginning to thrive as an Entreprenueur!www.HeartworkHealingCoach.comSupport this indie podcast https://empath-and-narcissist-healing.captivate.fm/supportGrab all books in link here: https://ravenscott.aweb.page/healing-from-abusehttps://ravenscott.showDon't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more insightful content!And Share!!! Help me review my newest book Empath's Guide to Rising Strong & receive a FREE 2 hour Human Design Reading and Coaching Session. Grab Free 10 Step To Break Free from the Narcissist https://ravenscott.show/narc-free-livingLeave a Tip to support, buy books, and grab free somatic workshop and more >>>All Links are on the Podcast Page.
  1. Healing CPTSD from Childhood Trauma: Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse with Janet Hays
  2. What is Post Traumatic Growth? Sobriety with Spirit Guides with Rae Leonard
  3. Signs You Are Dealing with A Narcissist 45 out of 50 Countdown | You Feel Crazy
  4. How to Connect to God-Self and Heal from Spiritual Abuse with Maetreyii Ma
  5. Healing the Throat Center after Narcissistic Trauma: Human Design Throat Center

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Human Design Q&A from Human Design Week

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Ravens Scott show. I am so thrilled and excited to have received questions about human design during human design week.

[00:00:17] Pairing ha sorry. Go in live real quick. I just finished a live over on narc abuse TV, and that was so fun. So amazing. We got into a really long chat after. And I just wanted to come on here before I went to pick up the kiddos from school to answer your questions regarding human design. We are in human design week here on the channel.

[00:00:44] We’re talking all about the basics. Um, and I think it’s important to return to the basics because that was one of the questions I received is what is human design? Human design is a self-development. It’s similar [00:01:00] to your astrology chart and it actually incorporates your astrology, but what it ha incorporates is also some ancient, um, practices.

[00:01:09] So Ra Uru Hu in 1984, downloaded this concept of human design, how the neutrinos in space and all these tiny particles all make up our energy and an includes the tree of life Kabbalah. It includes struggling. It combines each thing and it combines the shock risk system all to determine how your personality is.

What’s your life’s purposes here to, um, fulfill or to learn, um, uh, your major life themes.


[00:01:37] What’s your life’s purposes here to, um, fulfill or to learn, um, uh, your major life themes. Some people have repetitive pattern right of their energies, how they operate, maybe certain behavioral things. Your human design chart is a map and it tells all of that in your chart. It’s [00:02:00] really fascinating. And that’s something that’s really key to know, especially when you’re discovering yourself, you’re trying to improve yourself.

[00:02:10] Well, the best way to improve is to learn, you know, the power information is power. And if you have information about yourself, that’s very detailed, which your human is. Art design chart can give you. You have the power to know yourself intimately, to be confident, to not care. What other people say to know what is a lie and when is a projection and what is your, your true state who you truly are.

And human design gives you that map that gives you that knowledge.


[00:02:39] And human design gives you that map that gives you that knowledge. You don’t have to guess anymore, you know, Let’s say that you’re highly empathic. You already know you’re highly empathic, but why it gives you all the reasons why you’re highly empathic, you know, you’re uncomfortable when other people’s, you know, um, energies, their [00:03:00] emotions are around you, right?

[00:03:03] Sometimes we think it’s ours and we take on the responsibility of their emotions. And in your chart, it tells you that that is definitely the case that you, and then you get to take that, you know, all of our white centers, you get to take that and go, okay. I have, let’s say I’m Joe talking about, like you’re taking on someone else’s emotions and energy.

[00:03:26] That means you have an open center. So when you look in your chart and it’s white and it’s triangle on your solar plexus, you go. Now I know that I need to put a shield. Now I know that other people’s emotions are not mine and you get to practice and develop and do all of your emotional and mental push-ups and saying, you know what, that, you know, that negativity is not mine and you get to deflect.

[00:03:55] It gives you these awesome, powerful tools to thrive really, and to [00:04:00] succeed. So there is the answer to that question and I’m sure I answered a couple of them. Just there. Um, yeah. So what can a human designed tell me about myself? Human design tells you a whole bunch of things, which I just listed. It tells you your life’s purpose.

[00:04:18] It tells you what your strategy is, how to best move through life, how to best make the right choices aligned with your soul and your higher self. It tells you what your strategy is and how to do projects, how to manage. Success, how to manifest opportunities. It tells you what your life’s theme is. What should your career be?

Your human design tells you that and all these different pieces of the puzzle.


[00:04:42] What is your path? We all want a purpose filled path. Your human design tells you that and all these different pieces of the puzzle. And, um, when I read your chart and I do human design chart analysis, I can pull all of these puzzle pieces together [00:05:00] to give you one whole, you know, answer, give you direct.

[00:05:05] Of course, there’s lots of different fields within a certain theme that is unique to you and what you’re passionate about, but let’s say you’re debating between this path or this path, this career, or this career, your human design chart is going to help you navigate what the right path is to take in your life.

[00:05:25] What else? Um, how can it help me solve problems? Human design can help you solve problems in a number of. First, it really allows you to develop self-awareness and when you have self-awareness, you can then resolve problems with others. Let’s say you’re constantly getting into arguments and huge emotional, you know, complications or conflict with people.

[00:05:55] Again, do you have, uh, a colored in solar plexus or [00:06:00] do you have the open and then you can determine, okay. Minus color. That means that I, I set the tone for the emotions in a room. So if I’m getting into arguments, that means that I’m not regulating and doing the grounding that I need to help me when I’m in an emotional low that I’m projecting my emotional lows onto other people.

[00:06:23] And let’s say those people have an open emotional solar plexus, then they’re amplifying what I’m feeling. And then they’re pushing back and they’re arguing and they’re getting to. And so it becomes a real vicious cycle. If everyone’s walking around unconscious. Now, if you’re conscious and you’re being grounded, you know, that that other person’s emotions is theirs.

[00:06:46] You have the colored and solar plexus, you know, you have a certain cycle now you recognize I’m in my down cycle. Let me go take a walk. Right? Don’t start instigating fights with people. Let me go take a [00:07:00] walk. Let me. Take a bath, do some grounding, go meditate, listen to some music, dance it out. You know, this gives you, it really helps you solve problems because it gives you the tools to know your energy and energy really is everything.

[00:07:16] It’s sparks, fire, it sparks conflict. It sparks opportunity. It sparks abundance. So knowing your human design chart can help you with whatever specific problems. Um, I had another question come in. It’s like I have a lot of energy blocks. Can human design help me with these energy blocks? Yes, absolutely.

[00:07:40] Because you can take a look at some hard aspects in your astrology chart, then you get to take a look at your gates, which is really juicy and specific. And I explained that to you in the human analysis. Reading that I give you. And so you take a look at the [00:08:00] gates and you say, okay, this is the energy of this.

You know, you can take a look at if you’re unconsciously blocking something, because you’re afraid we take a look at your spleen center.


[00:08:02] You know, you can take a look at if you’re unconsciously blocking something, because you’re afraid we take a look at your spleen center. That’s where all of the fear centers are. We take a look at your strategy. Are you following your strategy? Another question I had was I just I’m launching my next opportunity.

are you operating in your strategy and your strategy and your energy? Do you blocks? You know, you’re going to get energy blocked if you’re not operating in your strategy and in your reading, I share with you.


[00:08:23] My next project, I launched it like I did. A fall, but it’s not working this time. Why is it not working well, are you operating in your strategy and your strategy and your energy? Do you blocks? You know, you’re going to get energy blocked if you’re not operating in your strategy and in your reading, I share with you.

[00:08:45] And in the first second video, right. Let’s type as a strategy. And the second video I have this week, I shared with you on. Each particular type of strategy is how to be moving through life [00:09:00] and operating how to use your energy in order for things to flow. So you’re not hitting those blocks. Let’s see. Um, how can it help me solve problems?

[00:09:11] And then the last question is what does it really mean? If I’m a manifesting generator, six to awesome. I love this question. This dives deeper into actually reading your. You’re a manifesting generator is your type. So that’s important to know, to know how to move through in your actions. What should you do to ease the flow of success?

[00:09:35] What should you do to make sure that you’re receiving opportunities and abundance to you? Um, who are you really? That’s what’s describing a manifesting generator is somebody who’s here. What’s your life purpose? You’re here to inspect. And you’re here to do. You kind of get to do both. So you’re here to inspire and to do so.

[00:09:57] You get to create projects, [00:10:00] whatever creative outlet you have, whatever, doing energy that you’re passionate about. You’re here to do that thing as well as inspire others to do it very infectious and, um, very inspirational. So that kind of gives you your title. What your life’s purpose is here to do as a manifesting generator, you probably have found that you’re a great multi-tasker.

[00:10:27] You juggle lots of things up in the air. You have lots of projects going on and you Excel when you have lots of projects going on. Um, another thing is that you love shortcuts as a manifesting generator. You don’t like to go through the whole process. You have such a very fast. That you see to the end of something, right?

[00:10:48] That’s the visionary part. And then you kind of have to backtrack. Now, you still don’t want to go through everything because you want a shortcut and that’s where you can then team up, elaborate [00:11:00] maybe with a generator who loves all of the, in the middle details to get things done. So manifesting generators are great bosses.

[00:11:09] They have vision, they can get a lot of stuff done. Um, great managers. You’re a great entrepreneur. Um, and then depending on what your specific passion is and life’s purpose, that’s where you hone in down into, you know, your, your actual life’s purpose, maybe your specific career path, maybe just, you know, specifically who you are and understanding that yes, manifesting generators are not ancient.

[00:11:36] Um, we talk about the types in the video, number two. Yeah. And it’s okay. Like, it’s just, I love that. When you find out your type, it gives you all of the, like reassurances of who you are. It affirms who you are, it reassures you, and then it allows you to say, you know what? It’s okay. I don’t have to do it like this person over here because [00:12:00] I’m unique.

[00:12:01] And my style, right. Manifesting generators have a very creative style. So don’t listen to those who maybe put you down for being too. Like a butterfly. Oh my gosh, you’re doing all these different projects. Like just stick to one. Why don’t you? I said, okay, that’s you, that’s your creative style and something will stick something you will love.

To inspire others, just like a role model does to be and live as you being.


[00:12:24] And you’re the ultimate experiment. So just ignore all of that negative talk, you know, don’t allow them to condition you into being a different type than you are. And that’s what I love about learning you’re tight. Um, so yeah, that’s, that’s what it means to be a manifesting generator. Now the 62 is a profile.

[00:12:43] We talked about that actually in today’s video, your profiles. So six two is a role model permit, and they’re weird names. I totally get it. Like there’s even one that’s named heretic, like what or martyr, no way, [00:13:00] but, um, what it means to be a six to, as a role model from it. And so that’s really a beautiful combination of your.

[00:13:08] To inspire others, just like a role model does to be and live as you being. So whatever you believe, whatever your passions are, live it, breathe it, do it, and it will be infectious and it will inspire others to live just as whatever you’re living and breathing and doing, obviously do in an integrity. You know, with that light and higher energy, doing all of the things that are not in integrity and bad are not good just to put that up.

[00:13:43] Um, and then the two is permit. So a hermit is, yes, it is someone who likes to go and hide in a cave, but it doesn’t always mean that that’s always what you’re doing because you have the other dichotomy of yourself, a role model you’re out [00:14:00] in front of it. Oh, the world to see and how to be inspired and live.

Just pull back and reflect, reflect on where you’re going. Right? This full moon right now, we’re in Virgo, reflect on your daily habits, reflect on what you’ve been doing


[00:14:05] And then you have the times where you do feel like so much responsibility. This is like a lot big weight of the world is on my shoulders. I can’t fix it all. What’s the fix that you’re just supposed to inspire, but take the time when you need to reflect, it’s almost like taking quiet time, you know, in your own way, maybe you feel a bit introverted in those moments.

[00:14:31] Just pull back and reflect, reflect on where you’re going. Right? This full moon right now, we’re in Virgo, reflect on your daily habits, reflect on what you’ve been doing, reflect on. What’s been working, uh, reflect on what’s serving you and reflect on. What’s not serving you and then you have the opportunity to release it.

[00:14:52] And so for me, personally, as a it, I love tapping into the moon cycles, the full moon. And [00:15:00] knowing those energies and harnessing them to release it or to start some new intentions and the new moon, because it really helps me tap into my intuition. And that’s what the, the hermit type of person really should be doing is not hiding from people, but taking your time to fill up your cup on your own, um, and allow yourself to reflect, allow yourself to be.

[00:15:28] By the beautiful moon energy release, everything. That’s sorry, blah, release everything. That’s not serving you. Um, and really reflect on what’s been working for you. So I hope that that’s helped. And is there any of your questions? I am here to read your charts and analyze and answer any other questions that you need.

[00:15:53] Oh, so I’m in the comments below. If you liked this, if you were loving human design, we’d put in the [00:16:00] comments below. If you’d like another one next month, um, like, and subscribe to this channel and don’t forget to hit the bell to make sure all of the new videos I post come into your feed. I’m really excited this weekend.

Leave your questions and feedback in the comments below.

[00:16:13] I am doing a project. I’m going to be looking at a brand new to tick tock. So I’m going to be looking at tick-tock. And like creating a video to show you if they worked or not. It’s just like a fun light hearted. We have a lot of inspiration here on the channel about recovering and healing from narcissist abuse.

[00:16:32] Uh, I’m going to be posting a video of the live. I just did, you know, 16 red flags of, you know, a bad person, you know, a narcissist or someone you shouldn’t be dating and get stuck in a relationship with. So we have a lot of things. Um, but I’m excited to share with you. I’m here as your mentor. I’m here as your guide, spiritually, emotionally and in life.

[00:16:55] So thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for subscribing. I [00:17:00] look forward to seeing you in the next.

Youtube Live Human Design Explained : Is it self improvement?

We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul’s journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Jessica Schiller Silverman have joined together to create a beautiful community for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

This collective membership on Patreon aligned so divinely in flow! 

  • We draw tarot cards and share intuition + wisdom you need to hear in that moment. 
  • We hold quiet space for your meditations and spiritual connections. 
  • We upload exclusive content and you gain early access to all our amazing guests and podcast we both create! From the Raven Scott Girl Talk Show and from the ALIVE podcast. 
  • We join together and share what’s on our hearts and teach wisdom for your heart’s nourishment during these trying times. 
  • We host live Q&A on anything spiritual, tarot, human design, or moonbeam related. 

How to master your boundaries:

  • Envision yourself saying NO
  • Feel the power of your self sovereignty
  • Dream of yourself saying NO
  • Step into your courage, pushing through fear, and taking action to say NO.
  • Be detached with the others emotional response (which may be like a child’s temper tantrum)

Raven’s Book

Over the past decade Raven Scott has first, exited an abusive relationship, then found her healing and renewal through the very tools she shares in this book. This “incredibly relatable story is a healing guide that weaves a story of an empath growing up, struggling with codependency, and loving a narcissist. It guides you in transforming yourself from low self esteem, PTSD, emotional abuse, to a strong, confident, and renewed soul.
PLUS! It includes a bonus chapter on the basic overview of Human Design -Your soul’s unique blueprint.
Grab your copy of this book on SALE today! available on Amazon NOW!
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this 1 of many reviews:
“This guide book is clearly written to serve those committed to healing and honoring their highest nature. this book is A must read on your self discovery journey!” – Abigail Gazda

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“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.”

-Brene Brown
What’s missing in your life right now? comment below.
There is one thing I know… is this.

when you are controlled by a narcissist you will never reach your true potential as a beautiful human being. There is hope though! You are here to elevate the collective and evolve in your souls journey. The dark egoistic people are drawn to your empathic light – like a moth to the light.

Raven Scott
What relief tip from this show are you going to start today? Let me know in comments below.

I know what I’m doing. I am running and listening to my Peloton app coaches. It’s a physical and spiritual coaching session every time. What are you doing?

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We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul’s journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Jessica Schiller Silverman have joined together to create a beautiful community for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

This collective membership on Patreon aligned so divinely in flow! 

  • We draw tarot cards and share intuition + wisdom you need to hear in that moment. 
  • We hold quiet space for your meditations and spiritual connections. 
  • We upload exclusive content and you gain early access to all our amazing guests and podcast we both create! From the Raven Scott Girl Talk Show and from the ALIVE podcast. 
  • We join together and share what’s on our hearts and teach wisdom for your heart’s nourishment during these trying times. 
  • We host live Q&A on anything spiritual, tarot, human design, or moonbeam related. 

“I salute the Divinity in you.”

– Indian brotherhood
Raven Scott

Raven Scott is providing women, who are feeling lost and alone in their journey, a community to kick ass as we become empowered together while healing from childhood trauma, abusive relationships, or plain old life, and awaken to rewrite our karmic story. Through astrology, self care, human design, & intuition.
We are energetically clearing ancestral patterns one step at a time to find our power and potential through healing so you can live empowered the unique loved individual you desire to be. Topics covered: Self development, Human design, Astrology, tarot, meditative thoughts, intuitive message from spirit, and expert guests sharing different spiritual healing modalities.
Your host and Patreon Community mentor, Raven Scott, is a narcissitic abuse survivor, author of Empath and The Narcissist: A Healing Guide for People Pleasers. And also is a Certified Meditation Teacher. Join us on http://Patreon.com/soulcollective9

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Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empaths Rising: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at ravenscott.show.

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