How to Spiritually Protect Yourself Through Human Design| S3 Ep 26

Knowing your Human Design empowers you to protect against outer energies.

“You can really control your energy and your state of mind and your mental health. By protecting your open centers.”

-Raven Scott 27:49
Photo by Brett Sayles on

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Spiritual Leveling Up: Empath Healing Post-Eclipse & Mercury Retrograde from Narcissistic Abuse Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD

Are you feeling a void of joy and will? This Eclipse in 2024 and post Narc Abuse? Welcome to Empath and the Narcissist podcast! In this episode, I dive into spiritual leveling up after the eclipse and Mercury retrograde. I explore Gate 51 shock and depression, and how to navigate this transformative energy.Key Points: Channeled message from SpiritUnderstanding Gate 51 in Human Design and its role in spiritual awakening.Navigating post-eclipse and Mercury retrograde energies for growth. Overcoming shock and depression through spiritual practices. Embracing change and leveling up on your spiritual journey.Resources Mentioned:- Human Design: Gate 51 Shock- Empath's Guide to Rising Strong: Human Design Guidebook for Self- Discovery by Raven Scott- Understanding Human Design by Karen CurryAre you an empath looking to level up spiritually? Tune in to this episode for insights on navigating shock and depression post-eclipse and Mercury retrograde. Listen now for practical tips and empowering guidance! VIEW Chart on Blog HERE Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more insightful content!And Share!!! Help me review my newest book Empath's Guide to Rising Strong & receive a FREE 2 hour Human Design Reading and Coaching Session. Grab Free 10 Step To Break Free from the Narcissist a Tip to support, buy books, and grab free somatic workshop and more >>>All Links are on the
  1. Spiritual Leveling Up: Empath Healing Post-Eclipse & Mercury Retrograde from Narcissistic Abuse
  2. UnPopular Opinion: Letting Go of Victimhood Identity After Narcissistic Abuse
  3. Healing CPTSD from Childhood Trauma: Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse with Janet Hays
  4. What is Post Traumatic Growth? Sobriety with Spirit Guides with Rae Leonard
  5. Signs You Are Dealing with A Narcissist 45 out of 50 Countdown | You Feel Crazy

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Human Design interview on Woo Woo Woman Podcast with Shelly Saunier

[00:00:00] Welcome to the empath and the narcissist podcast, where we are transmuting your pain from your experience, an abusive. Relationships in the past or present. Into healing. And to joy. Into life lessons that make you stronger and bring your sparkle back and help you shine your uniqueness and life purpose out into the world through conversations.

[00:00:23] Self care rituals, meditations. And human design.

[00:00:28] Today, I’m sharing with you a clip. From a podcast that I was a guest on called the woo woo woman by Shelley Saunnier. She has just carrying open dialogues of her journey to empower yours. So I’m excited to share with you a bit of this. We are talking about human design and how to connect that.

[00:00:50] To your purpose. And that was a really great conversation. I’m going to share with you just a clip because it is a full hour conversation [00:01:00] on her podcast and you can head on over to her podcast. Like subscribe and do all those great things and listen to that episode. On the Woo Woo woman, it was aired March 20th.


[00:01:11] And the title is using human design to connect to your purpose with Raven Scott. All right. So let’s get going in and listening to this conversation.

[00:01:20] Shelly: Hello and welcome to the Wu woman podcast. I am so stoked to have Raven Scott here with me today. She’s a spiritual mentor and a human design analyst. And I know some of my followers when I post up my Manny Gen shit on the gram. You’re like, what is this? Well, we are going to be discussing this in a little bit more detail.

[00:01:41] So without further ado, thank you so much for being a part of this podcast and sharing your wealth of information on human design and how it can help us on this journey of purpose. And I think a lot of us can resonate, especially now more so is this deep [00:02:00] desire to truly authentically connect with what our purpose is.

[00:02:05] And many people are so confused as to what that really even entails. So thank you so much for being here.

[00:02:12] Raven:

[00:02:12] Thank you for having me. It’s really an honor. I’m excited to share about human design. It’s something that gave me such a burst of Affirmations really. So I, I discovered human design two years ago and in 2020, and it was this woman and I was part of this like business entrepreneur course, we’re all trying out our new offers.

[00:02:35] And she was like, Hey, who wants me to read your human design chart? I was like, that sounds amazing. I was in this in depth, spiritual healing from, you know, my past and my, you know, I had two little ones, so I didn’t want to repeat anything in the past. I was like, ancestral, clearing check. I’ll do that.

It was like everything I already knew about myself that I didn’t know about myself. Like when she said it out loud, I was like, yes, that’s me.


[00:02:53] You know, past life regression, check I’ll do that. I’ll do all the things. Oh, human design. Of course. So she read my chart, [00:03:00] it was mind blowing. It was like everything I already knew about myself that I didn’t know about myself. Like when she said it out loud, I was like, yes, that’s me. Absolutely.

[00:03:10] Like everything was affirming. And it was kind of cool too, because it gave me the affirmation that. She said, oh my gosh, you’re so powerful. Like, I don’t even know what that means. Like, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but yes, I do tend to kind of take over things, have become a leader. I don’t even want to, like, I was in high school and it was just like thousand, multi thousand kids, youth group that I was a part of.

[00:03:36] And I was in an adult role still being an, a high schooler. And I was like, okay, that kind of makes sense. Like, yeah, I really can just scoot on it and, you know, dominate whatever I’m trying to accomplish or wherever I am. So it was really fascinating. So it took some, you know, some time to digest it and it was like, oh, then like little things would [00:04:00] keep popping up in my head.

[00:04:01] So then I would investigate that and then I would investigate. And then I just started investigating all of it and I just dove deep into the book and I started experimenting and reading, other people’s charts inside that group. Um, and yeah, it was just fascinating and it’s such an empowering tool.

[00:04:57] And the only other thing that I could [00:05:00] express that was very similar to me was having my astrological chart read. And this was, you know, gosh, I think I was like maybe 18, 19 years old. And I remember going through that with the, the astrologer. And I was like, holy shit. You know me, like you see me like, and I never felt so seen.

[00:05:18] And then the human design almost added an additional layer and then an additional component that.


[00:04:22] Hmm.

[00:04:23] Shelly: I love that so much. I have a similar story. So I think I came across the human design concept through a podcast and they were discussing it and I was like, what is this? You know? And I. I looked into it. And I found out that I was a Manny Gen manifesting generator. And I felt as though the way in which it was interpreted, like you said, it resonated so much because it was a deeper understanding of like, yeah, that’s who I am, but the wording and the way that it was pieced together, it allowed me to have that connection.

[00:04:57] And the only other thing that I could [00:05:00] express that was very similar to me was having my astrological chart read. And this was, you know, gosh, I think I was like maybe 18, 19 years old. And I remember going through that with the, the astrologer. And I was like, holy shit. You know me, like you see me like, and I never felt so seen.

[00:05:18] And then the human design almost added an additional layer and then an additional component that. With sort of missing with astrology at the same time. So it, they, they marry one another very beautifully and that they experienced that I personally had. So yeah, I have a similar experience with that, but again, I only investigated mine as sometimes.

[00:05:41] We always do well,

[00:05:43] Raven: of course, cause you want to know all about yourself and that sense. And it’s what I got into as well, is having a little ones and trying to change the, like the way I parented compared to what I, how I was parented. It kind of, I first investigated my families, [00:06:00] my kids, my husbands, I still was struggling with like how to relate to him.

[00:06:03] So it all just like became so clear. I was like, oh, he does this because he has. And so it allowed me to hold space and have grace versus being like nagging and upset. And it allowed me to be able to speak different things to him and just like find different strategies to be able to work through our issues, or I’m going to call it my issues of how I viewed and then parenting the kids.

[00:06:29] It was so crucial and one of my daughters is a projector and we’ll go through the types of it’s very different than most of us. And you don’t parent the projector as you do a generator, a manifesting generator, you don’t put them in that box and you know, they don’t have the energy to keep up. So it was really important and it was, it was just so fascinating.

[00:06:49] And I still do, I, they’re kind of getting to the age six and eight where I can actually tell them, like, this is why you have this energy or this then in a way, not to shoe box them into their [00:07:00] design, but just to share with them,

[00:07:02] Shelly: this is yeah. Yeah, my son, like I actually am in a house with all generators and I am the manifesting generator.

[00:07:09] And yeah, it does give you a different way and a different opportunity to not only see yourself in a different light and how you function, but also how others function and how you could better position yourself and have a better relationship overall, not only with self, but how you interact and develop these connections with other people, especially your family.

[00:07:37] Like you said, because like I like, of course I’ve found mine and I’m like, oh my gosh, he’s in a house in generators.

[00:07:43] Raven: Oh, yes. Yeah. Yeah. There’s just a lot of energy and the interactions with each other is it’s so it’s so key and evil, you might all be the same type. Then you have all the different types of authorities, the profiles and all the different details of your [00:08:00] charts that, you know, I always say, and they always say like, each person is a unique puzzle piece to the, you know, large puzzle at whole.

[00:08:10] We’re a piece of the collective. We all belong together and we all fit just so,

[00:08:16] Shelly: and we all need each other, you know, regardless of like, I mean, I love these, these, um, These tools that we have as far as like, you know, the Enneagram, the tarot astrology, the human design. I love them so, so much because they do give you a different perspective.

[00:08:33] And it’s almost like seeing something from a different vantage point. Um, and seeing it also, because they all have different ways of expressing the messages depending on the modality itself. And yet at the very same time, there is this underlying, like individuality that is also a part of the whole and a part of the universe.

[00:08:53] And it is a part of nature itself. That’s also in the midst of that co-creation and that development. So it’s like not saying [00:09:00] like, this is the end all be all like, this is who I am. And using that as an excuse, it’s seeing it as like, okay, this is, this is how I process energy. According to this modality, this is what’s going on.

[00:09:10] And you know, my fifth and seventh house, as far as like my needle chart and being able to, um, really kind of. Observe yourself and others from, you know, almost like an inclusive perspective as a foe, as opposed to like, exclusive, like, this is who you are, this is who you should be. This is how you function and using that as like an excuse to like get through shit, you know, it’s like, oh, that is just who I am.

[00:09:36] No, you got to use that and say, okay, like what the higher evolves version of this, how can I function better? How can I, you know, move through this with less anger and with less

human design, it’s a self-development [00:10:00] tool that just dives deeper in the spiritual realm that helps your soul evolve and learn the lessons that it’s learning in this lifetime.


[00:09:48] Raven: frustration? Yeah. You, you said the exact word I was just gonna say is that both astrology, you know, even your intuition with the tarot and human design, it’s a self-development [00:10:00] tool that just dives deeper in the spiritual realm that helps your soul evolve and learn the lessons that it’s learning in this lifetime.

[00:10:08] Shelly: The interpretations too, I think are everything. Cause I love these modalities because it, it has a foundation, but the way in which it is expressed too, is also individualistic depending on like the school of thought, per se. So, um, yeah, I love this so, so much. So tell us a little about, maybe about your kinds.

[00:10:28] Um, and I hate to say kind, but like what are they really called? Cause again, I’m fairly new. So I’m learning with all of y’all who are listening, the types. There you go. That’s a better word. So the different types, um, and what, it’s, what it’s, how it’s been useful for you and how you now move with this knowledge maybe, and kind of like the application of your type and how it’s, how it’s assisted you in your overall, you know, way

Application’s huge because when you first hear all of the types, quote, unquote strategies, It sounds alien. It’s like, well, I don’t know how to even apply that. What are you talking about? So I’ll, I’ll do my best to kind of give the best language I can


[00:10:58] Raven: forward.

[00:10:59] Yeah, the [00:11:00] application’s huge because when you first hear all of the types, quote, unquote strategies, It sounds alien. It’s like, well, I don’t know how to even apply that. What are you talking about? So I’ll, I’ll do my best to kind of give the best language I can. So the first type, that is the majority there’s about 30, 33% are generators.

[00:11:19] So you and I are generators and we have that defined it’s called the state girl. So human design is a modern system that combines a whole, a lot of different ancient system. So it has the astrology intermix has neutrinos. So it’s like the science of neutrinos, the tiny particles of math. It has a Kabbalah chakra system.

[00:11:45] And so it’s combining, uh, the E Ching, it’s combining all of these things to give you a really great map of how your energy works. So that’s the generator. There are all these different centers on your chart, and if you don’t know how to find your chart or what your chart looks like [00:12:00] or where to get it, she’ll put it in the show notes for you to find.

generator have your define sacred, really what that means is you’re here to do your purpose is really here to do what you love


[00:12:03] Um, so the first type, uh, generator have your define sacred, really what that means is you’re here to do your purpose is really here to do what you love and to follow the breadcrumbs towards your purpose, you’re doing will then allow you to respond if that’s your strategy. So it’s like, wait to respond.

[00:12:24] Well, it doesn’t mean you like sit around and twiddle your thumbs await you do what you love, what lights you up. It brings you joy. And then that will spark some other energy and other person to reach out. And then you get to respond to it yesterday. So really actually very recent and exciting way that this is applied in my life was I was just creating reels on Instagram.

[00:12:48] Right. It’s fun. And I’m, you know, talking about narcissism, that’s like my book. And so I just posted a really quick reel about childhood trauma, you know, [00:13:00] childhood trauma, you know, you may have lost your memory, dah, dah, dah, dah. I didn’t just talk straight to the camera. And a while back, like six months ago, I did some Instagram lives with this Narc abuse TV network.

[00:13:13] And it was just on their Instagram channel and he didn’t really tell me anything more. He’s like, this is my audition. I’m like, I don’t know what for what I’m just like trying to get on Instagram. So then he DMS me and he said, You that’s it. That’s exactly what I want. He says you are my first show.

[00:13:29] You’re the first one. That’s hosting our own show on my network on YouTube. And I was like, responding. I just put out what I loved. He reached out, I’m now responding to my strategy and I’m like, yes. Heck yes, absolutely. So that’s going to be starting in a few weeks. So it’s like, that’s just one example of like, I literally had no motive behind that real.

[00:13:52] I was just trying to share.

[00:13:54] Shelly: Yeah. That is powerful. And it also, you know, in that, with what you’re [00:14:00] saying, it’s also a means of confirmation when those things kind of happen too. Right? It’s like you are on the right. You know, because I think as human beings, we often time question our purpose, big question, where we’re at.

[00:14:13] And when we allow ourselves to like move authentically and these, these happenings happen, it’s like, okay, like, yeah, like this is it. Like it clicks for you. So that is just like powerful in and of itself. As you mentioned before, as somebody said, like, you are a powerful, it’s like you have that power right.

to step into your authentic energy or authentic nature and allow that to kind of create ripples in, in the frequencies of the universe and life itself to again, create and fulfill what you are intended to create and fulfill.


[00:14:31] To, to step into your authentic energy or authentic nature and allow that to kind of create ripples in, in the frequencies of the universe and life itself to again, create and fulfill what you are intended to create and fulfill. Absolutely. I love that. So much of what a powerful story. Yeah, it

[00:14:55] Raven: was pretty fascinating.

[00:14:56] I was like, I know I’m living. I like actually [00:15:00] acting on my strategy because that just happened versus like overthinking something is like, oh, I should be posting this because of this, you know, whatever, you know, all these different, um, out, not the algorithm, but stress. I don’t want us to use the word strategy.

[00:15:15] It’s different, but yeah, like this Instagram strategy, like I.

[00:15:22] Shelly: Yep. And that’s, that’s the only way. And I swear, like maybe the algorithms can like pinpoint that, right. It’s like, okay, I can smell authentic nature in this video and in this post. And like maybe put that forward. Right. Cause everything is energy essentially in constant,

[00:15:39] Raven: you can smell the authenticity like it.

[00:15:43] And the computer is like, oh, they’re liking it, liking it. Let’s put it out. Cause this, this authentic energy, it’s all energy. Yeah. Yeah. So then the other type is the Man Gen which you talked about all the time. Cause that’s who you are and what it is, this two types combined. So you have a nice, [00:16:00] complicated type or you have the manifestor and you have the generator.

Manifesting Generator you get to envision and have this like aha moment or a vision you get to now inform and say, I think I’m going to do this.


[00:16:05] So you have the energy to do like the generator and there’s about 30, 33% as well of these in the world. And you also have the initiative action and energy that a manifestor would have. So you get to envision and have this like aha moment or a vision you get to now inform and say, I think I’m going to do this.

[00:16:29] And then you just going to have fun and do what you love and try it. And I think what you can relate. And we talked a little bit about this before the show was like, your, uh, experimentation is key. And I think I just posted something on my Instagram today. It’s like perfection is experimentation, like moving through life and trying and failing and trying and succeeding,

[00:16:52] and here it’s like the ultimate like mad scientist with the like multitasking with all the balls in the air and all these different [00:17:00] times. That’s me! That’s the Man Gen.

[00:17:03] And then when you’re moving in that you get to do what you love and then you get to respond like, okay, okay, this is here. Oh yes. And that’s just your creative process. So you can’t be like shoved into like one project and focus on the one project. Like some people like shame people who are butterflies and have all these projects and like, oh, I’m gonna try this now.

[00:17:22] Oh, I want to try this now. Like, don’t shame that that’s just one type and not everyone has to be a one track minded, one type person.

[00:17:31] Shelly: Yeah. Like I’m definitely, I do a lot of different things. My energy is in multiple different places. And one thing that I mentioned to you prior to the show, Was that sometimes I have, like these two energy is, and that’s why knowing I’m a manifesting generator and a Manny Gen.

[00:17:51] Um, I was like, I feel like the dual and you’re like, yeah, that’s because you have these two energies. And I didn’t realize that it was [00:18:00] two separate energies coming together. I thought it was just like a specific type. And , there’s a lot to process. And another thing that I think, which could be a part of, like my upbringing was that I was, my dad was always like keep failing because when you fail or when you keep doing all these different things, you end up getting to where you are intended to be, because there’s the contrast, the, the ability to try something and not have to have, or be attached to the outcome of trying it or doing it.

[00:18:34] Is an opportunity for you to also become a little bit more aware of what your flavor is, as opposed to saying, like I’m officially doing this. And the one reason why I went into nursing, so I went to nursing school was that I was, I know, as a nurse, you could be various different nurses or you be Warners an ER, nurse, a NICU nurse.

[00:18:56] And I knew myself well enough to know that, like, once I do something [00:19:00] for a little while, like I want something new, like I want a different something, something,

[00:19:05] Raven: I had a friend who, um, we learned together human design and she is a Man Gen and she was an ER nurse and she loved it. But you know, it just also is a lot of burnout too, but yeah,

[00:19:17] Shelly: totally.

[00:19:18] Yeah. So

[00:19:19] Raven: interesting. Now the other type is the projector, which I had mentioned. That’s one of my daughters and the projector is here to guide. They are not, I think I, and I’m sorry if my percentages aren’t accurate, I’m not a numbers person. I think it’s about, 18%. So a little bit less, of projectors in the world.

Projectors are here as wise guides to advise and know the how to work most efficiently.


[00:19:41] Jessica Shiller, Silverman, you just interviewed on your podcast, she’s a Projector. And there, there just are wise guides. They’re not here to do. They’re here to be, they’re here to observe what we’re doing and they’re here for us. Um, invite in to ask [00:20:00] question. So I would say it’s the hardest for our normal, like, especially United States society of like, go, go, go, do, do, do, just do it slogans, like that’s the opposite of the projector.

[00:20:12] Um, you want, the projector has, does have this aura,, we all have auras. And they have probing aura. So essentially if they’re just being, they’re loving what they’re doing, they’re just kind of like living and creating or whatever they want to do. And they’re sitting in a room, they have that presence that can just gravitate you to them.

[00:20:35] And all of a sudden you’ll be in a conversation. You, you sense that they’re wise and then you get to invite them into like maybe a question for them, or maybe you have a topic you want to talk about. And it just gets there wisdom, that they’re here to give out. And it’s really amazing.

[00:20:52] And I think that the misconception with projectors since they don’t have the sacral defined is that they can’t do anything or achieve anything. That’s false. Again, that’s [00:21:00] the box that you’re trying to put yourself in justify that you shouldn’t do it because you’re afraid. Obama is a projector.

[00:21:06] Like you can be a president and a projector, like can do things. He just need to have a supportive group of energy around you to support that. Gotcha. And

[00:21:16] Shelly: like, I remember you mentioning that the generator is sacral.. Um, my mani gen, which I’m, again, I’m not too familiar if everyone’s areas slightly different mines

[00:21:25] also sacral.,

the authority is like how you make the right decisions aligned with your energy,


[00:21:27] Raven: I believe you’re talking about your authority. Yes, yes. Maybe all Gen and Man Gen’s sacrals are going to be colored in. Yeah. So some Man Gens have either an emotional authority. That means that their solar plexus, their emotional centers defined or it’s the pure, the sacral authority. And the authority is like how you make the right decisions aligned with your energy,

[00:21:54] Shelly: right?

[00:21:54] Like that gut intuition. And then with the projectors, is there a specific area [00:22:00] with projectors typically?

[00:22:02] Raven: For their authority or their authority. Um, they can be, uh, self projected, meaning they need to talk it out. They have emotional authority, meaning that they need to ride out the emotional wave. Like kind of like a tide or clock.

[00:22:18] If you have an emotional authority, you just got a ride to the emotions and then wait for the quiet time to make the right decision. That feels well. So using verbiage with someone who’s in your life as an emotional authority, start asking them questions, like, how does this feel to you? Like, does this feel like a really great, you know, opportunity just to feel like a good choice, should we move across the country?

[00:22:41] How do you feel like big things? It’s all about feelings through it. And then wait, don’t make, not answer you right away. Wait and give them time to answer.

[00:22:49] Shelly: Interesting. This is so fascinating too. Like, just as I’m listening to you speak. The, the knowledge in this with working with [00:23:00] spouses, significant others and children, um, so valuable because when you’re able to understand, you know, these, these various different layers of how they process energy, um, it, it, again, allows you to move with them slightly differently to be accommodating to the way in which they process energy, instead of really forcing the way that you’re accustomed to processing energy.

[00:23:25] That’s

[00:23:25] Raven: exactly it. I mean, I swear like marriage counseling, everyone brought in human design. I think it would save a lot more marriages.

[00:23:36] And the pure, if we’re talking about authority, like you said, yours is pure, so it’s mine. I can relate. So yours, you mentioned guts. That means you get to listen to your gut and you actually allow yourself to make those quote unquote rude comments, not comments, that noises. So you get.

[00:23:52] Shelly: I mean, rude comments,

[00:23:56] Raven: go for it.

[00:23:57] You have your open throat. [00:24:00] Um, you get to ask yourself yes or no questions. So have your partners start to be accommodating to that. And instead of how you feel, the pure sake needs to be asked yes or no questions, and then you get to feel it in your gut and then it’ll come up and it will be like, Hm. Like a yes, no way or a.

[00:24:23] So

[00:24:23] Shelly: what’s fascinating with this is when I was younger, I would get a quarter and I would look at either heads or tails. Don’t say tales means yes. And you know, heads means no. And this is how I would actually recognize in my body. Let’s say, for example, should I go to universal studios? And if I flipped it over and it was no, and inside my body, I was disappointed.

[00:24:48] Right. And in my gut, I was disappointed. I was like, I really do want to go, but then if it happens and I was like, all right, I’m cool with it. I was like, okay, then I don’t want to go. So that’s actually like, interestingly [00:25:00] enough, I got a flash of that. And that’s how I used to make decisions with yes or no, with the, like the heads and tails of a coin and how it felt landing on whether it was a yes or no with that particular circumstance, how it felt in my body.

[00:25:13] And at the time, obviously I wasn’t as versus I am, and I still am learning every single day, but it’s so interesting that like, those things are innate almost.

[00:25:23] Raven: Yeah. I think we naturally know how we should be making decisions. We naturally know, but we get conditions. You know, we, I remember us chatting before and you’re like, are you a man gen?

[00:25:34] Jen? And everyone asks me that I haven’t been on another interview. And she’s like, oh, and as a man gen you did. I’m not a man gen but my mom was so therefore I’m really kind of conditioned to be like a man gen I feel like having lots of, you know, balls juggling in the air means like I’m a good mom or I’m keeping myself busy, but I don’t actually function very well.

[00:25:55] Multitasking. Like I really can’t. I gotta have like one thing at a [00:26:00] time I got to compartmentalize

[00:26:02] Shelly: and that’s even fascinating in and of itself to have that discussion. How, like the parents saying of the different types can really affect the way maybe like you feel accustomed to being around just because it’s been in like your household perhaps, and how, you know, we think about ancestral things and we inherit things in genetically, but we also inherit.

[00:26:25] Actions and, and habits as well. So that’s very interesting and fascinating to think about, um, as well as like, I should probably look into what my mom was to cause that might actually,

[00:26:38] Raven: I haven’t had to look up there. I had to look up there. What’s going on with that? Well, who are they? I even looked up their astrology chart.

[00:26:47] It just helps me because I’m such a Virgo. I’m like, why aren’t they just like fixing, oh,

[00:26:53] Shelly: the Virgos? Yup. I’ll send you my mom’s like astrological chart, but I never looked into [00:27:00] her human design so that I I’m going to do that when I get off this, this little pod here.

[00:27:05] Raven: Yeah. And I think too, it’s really important when you’re relating to people, like is looking at their solar plexus.

[00:27:12] Is it open? Meaning like, is it white and does it amplify things? And that’s why they’re like people pleasing or shushing or like getting super stressed. Maybe they’re like really loud and they have a temper. That might be why and or the opposite is it define?? And they are the ones that kind of control the emotional environment and you have the ones that’s open.

Let’s say yours is open and whoever’s with you is defined and you can really control your energy and your state of mind and your mental health. By protecting your open centers.

Raven Scott

[00:27:35] And so like, how do you interact with that? Uh, once you notice that you can then put up your shield and be like, Nope, I recognize that that’s not my energy. Let’s say yours is open and whoever’s with you is defined and you can really control your energy and your state of mind and your mental health. By protecting your open centers.

[00:27:59] [00:28:00] That is a clip from the podcast. With Shelley, if you’d like to listen to the rest of it, head on over to the Woo Woo women podcast. And if you really loving it, and you want me to continue to post a few more clips from the conversation. Just head on over to pod chaser and review this. Episode and let me know, or you can take a screenshot of this podcast.

[00:28:25] And tag me at Raven Scott show and say more, please. And I will definitely edit a bit more of this. Episode and posted on my podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Have a beautiful day and remember, always keep your unique light shining.

We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul’s journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Jessica Schiller Silverman have joined together to create a beautiful community for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

This collective membership on Patreon aligned so divinely in flow! 

  • We draw tarot cards and share intuition + wisdom you need to hear in that moment. 
  • We hold quiet space for your meditations and spiritual connections. 
  • We upload exclusive content and you gain early access to all our amazing guests and podcast we both create! From the Raven Scott Girl Talk Show and from the ALIVE podcast. 
  • We join together and share what’s on our hearts and teach wisdom for your heart’s nourishment during these trying times. 
  • We host live Q&A on anything spiritual, tarot, human design, or moonbeam related. 
Youtube Live Human Design Explained : Is it self improvement?

How to master your boundaries:

  • Envision yourself saying NO
  • Feel the power of your self sovereignty
  • Dream of yourself saying NO
  • Step into your courage, pushing through fear, and taking action to say NO.
  • Be detached with the others emotional response (which may be like a child’s temper tantrum)

Raven’s Book

Over the past decade Raven Scott has first, exited an abusive relationship, then found her healing and renewal through the very tools she shares in this book. This “incredibly relatable story is a healing guide that weaves a story of an empath growing up, struggling with codependency, and loving a narcissist. It guides you in transforming yourself from low self esteem, PTSD, emotional abuse, to a strong, confident, and renewed soul.
PLUS! It includes a bonus chapter on the basic overview of Human Design -Your soul’s unique blueprint.
Grab your copy of this book on SALE today! available on Amazon NOW!
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this 1 of many reviews:
“This guide book is clearly written to serve those committed to healing and honoring their highest nature. this book is A must read on your self discovery journey!” – Abigail Gazda

The link below.

And make sure to grab your Raven Scott Show Swag in the link below. She’s designed some fashionable tote bags, shirts, stickers, and coffee mugs you would be proud to wear around your friends.

“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.”

-Brene Brown
What’s missing in your life right now? comment below.
There is one thing I know… is this.

when you are controlled by a narcissist you will never reach your true potential as a beautiful human being. There is hope though! You are here to elevate the collective and evolve in your souls journey. The dark egoistic people are drawn to your empathic light – like a moth to the light.

Raven Scott
What relief tip from this show are you going to start today? Let me know in comments below.

I know what I’m doing. I am running and listening to my Peloton app coaches. It’s a physical and spiritual coaching session every time. What are you doing?

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Join us in the Soul Collective Community

We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul’s journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Jessica Schiller Silverman have joined together to create a beautiful community for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

This collective membership on Patreon aligned so divinely in flow! 

  • We draw tarot cards and share intuition + wisdom you need to hear in that moment. 
  • We hold quiet space for your meditations and spiritual connections. 
  • We upload exclusive content and you gain early access to all our amazing guests and podcast we both create! From the Raven Scott Girl Talk Show and from the ALIVE podcast. 
  • We join together and share what’s on our hearts and teach wisdom for your heart’s nourishment during these trying times. 
  • We host live Q&A on anything spiritual, tarot, human design, or moonbeam related. 

“I salute the Divinity in you.”

– Indian brotherhood
Raven Scott

Raven Scott is providing women, who are feeling lost and alone in their journey, a community to kick ass as we become empowered together while healing from childhood trauma, abusive relationships, or plain old life, and awaken to rewrite our karmic story. Through astrology, self care, human design, & intuition.
We are energetically clearing ancestral patterns one step at a time to find our power and potential through healing so you can live empowered the unique loved individual you desire to be. Topics covered: Self development, Human design, Astrology, tarot, meditative thoughts, intuitive message from spirit, and expert guests sharing different spiritual healing modalities.
Your host and Patreon Community mentor, Raven Scott, is a narcissitic abuse survivor, author of Empath and The Narcissist: A Healing Guide for People Pleasers. And also is a Certified Meditation Teacher. Join us on

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Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empaths Rising: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at

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