Harnessing the Power of Gate 34: Lunar Transit Insights and Free Gifts

Astrology Chart and Full Moon Release Themes For Each Astrology House

Dear Beautiful Empaths,

Today I went live on YouTube & IG., and I lead us through a transformative Full Moon ritual inspired by my book, guiding you through the Areas that will affect you based on which House Sagittarius is in your natal chart.

 Additionally, I provided a short read about the Energy of the Gate 34 Power, where the Moon is transiting in the Human Design Mandala. 

You can watch the replay here. And read on for what themes you are feeling to release this week. 

Listen to podcast here

First thing, to do is download your Astrology chart from your favorite Astro website like Astro.com or Chani app etc. 

Find where which house Sagittarius is located. Some of you will have it in two houses (half way to halfway). This means you will feel it a little in both, or either one. 

full moon in the black sky
Photo by Bruno Scramgnon on Pexels.com

Full Moon in Sagittarius: Release Themes for Each Astrology House (1–12)

1st House: Self-Identity and Appearance
 — Release self-doubt and negative self-image.
 — Let go of old identities that no longer serve you.
 — Embrace confidence and a renewed sense of self.

2nd House: Values and Finances
 — Release scarcity mindset and financial fears.
 — Let go of material attachments that weigh you down.
 — Embrace a sense of abundance and self-worth.

3rd House: Communication and Siblings
 — Release limiting beliefs around self-expression.
 — Let go of unresolved conflicts with siblings or neighbors.
 — Embrace clear, authentic communication.

4th House: Home and Family
 — Release old family patterns and ancestral trauma.
 — Let go of attachments to a home or past that no longer fits.
 — Embrace a nurturing and secure home environment.

5th House: Creativity and Pleasure
 — Release creative blocks and fears of self-expression.
 — Let go of unhealthy attachments in romantic relationships.
 — Embrace joy, playfulness, and creative pursuits.

6th House: Health and Daily Routine
 — Release unhealthy habits and routines.
 — Let go of perfectionism and overworking.
 — Embrace balanced self-care and a healthy lifestyle.

7th House: Relationships and Partnerships
 — Release toxic relationships and co-dependency.
 — Let go of fear of commitment or rejection.
 — Embrace harmonious and supportive partnerships.

8th House: Transformation and Shared Resources
 — Release fears around intimacy and vulnerability.
 — Let go of control issues and power struggles.
 — Embrace deep transformation and trust in shared resources.

9th House: Higher Learning and Travel
 — Release limiting beliefs and dogmas.
 — Let go of fear of the unknown and exploration.
 — Embrace higher learning, travel, and spiritual growth.

10th House: Career and Public Image
 — Release fear of failure and public judgment.
 — Let go of career paths that no longer align with your purpose.
 — Embrace your true calling and professional aspirations.

11th House: Community and Friendships
 — Release feelings of isolation and unworthiness in social circles.
 — Let go of friendships that no longer resonate.
 — Embrace new connections and a sense of community.

12th House: Spirituality and Subconscious
 — Release subconscious fears and hidden traumas.
 — Let go of escapism and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
 — Embrace spiritual practices and inner peace.

This Full Moon in Sagittarius is an opportunity for expansive growth and release. Use this energy to clear out what no longer serves you in each area of your life, making room for new possibilities and personal evolution.

The Moon in Human Design Gate 34 Power

From my book Healing with Human Design

Human Design bodygraph for full Moon in Sagittarius May 23, 2024 with moon in Gate 34 Power
Full Moon Chart for Los Angeles California 9:53 AM PST May 23, 2024

“ In Human Design, Gate 34 is often referred to as the “Gate of Power” and is located in the Sacral Center. This gate is associated with the energy of personal power, influence, and the potential for significant impact. It’s linked to the Hexagram 34 in the I Ching, which is often translated as “The Power of the Great” and symbolizes the idea of possessing great strength and influence.

The Gate 34 description encompasses several key aspects:

1. Personal Power: Gate 34 represents the capacity to harness personal power and influence, often having the ability to make a considerable impact in various areas of life.

2. Charisma: This gate carries the energy of charisma and magnetism, attracting others with its compelling presence and forceful personality.

3. Leadership: It signifies a natural inclination for leadership and the potential to inspire and guide others toward achieving common goals.

4. Determination: Gate 34 often involves a strong sense of determination and the will to persevere in the face of challenges or obstacles.

5. Impact: This energy is associated with the potential to make a significant impact, whether in one’s career, relationships, or personal endeavors.

6. Influence: It emphasizes the power of influence, as individuals with Gate 34 may possess the ability to sway opinions, motivate others, and effect change.

7. Taking the Lead: Gate 34 encourages taking the lead and being proactive in pursuing one’s ambitions and objectives.

8. Strategic Thinking: Individuals with this gate may possess strategic thinking skills, which help them plan and execute their actions effectively.

9. Resilience: The energy of this gate often involves resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks or challenges, maintaining a sense of personal power.

Gate 34 Affirmation:

“With unwavering determination and the power of my presence, I harness my personal strength to lead and inspire positive change in my life and the lives of others.”

 — Pg. 234–235 Healing with Human Design

image of Book cover with light magical starry purple background with a tree forest and butterflies and Human design mandala in the center with black text: Healing with Human Design Empath's Guide to Healing Through Self-Discovery Raven Scott"

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  • Audio of Chapter 2 from Healing with Human Design
  • PDF download of Chapter 2 from Healing with Human Design
  • 10 Day Live Narc FREE Audio Coach Series
  • Chakra Affirmations and Oracle Cards Card PDF Download
  • PLUS your FREE Personalize Human Design Chart Summary

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And For more healing from Narc Abuse with Human Design

Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empath and the Narcissist: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at ravenscott.show.

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