You are Practically Perfect AND You Need to Let Go to Evolve

purple gradient with text "you got to cutt off the gangrene arm (the narc trauma bond) or else it will kill you." - Raven Scott
Inspiring Quote

As we just experience the powerful cosmic event of the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra, a moment of profound transformation is still upon us. This eclipse, happened on Monday March 25, carried with it the energy of release and renewal, offering us the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace our path towards healing and evolution.

I recently was interviewed on Lauren’s podcast, Life After Discard, (my episode will air at the beginning of April. 

And we were talking about how the Narcissist becomes a drug. And when you try and leave it feels like a piece of you is missing, or like a limb is burning and infected. But it’s still there. And I Spirit just channeled this clarity through me that said. 

You can’t keep holding on to that infected limb, aka the energetic trauma bond with the Narcissist. You got to cut it off like an arm that has gangrene. Otherwise the infection will spread and kill you.” 

And how many survivors of Narcissistic abuse have you heard of that almost took their life while in it? 

I have heard a handful, and I almost did. And I’m sure there are more that are speaking about it. 

As empaths, we are often deeply attuned to the emotions and energies around us, which can sometimes lead us to hold onto things that hinder our growth. …

Did you watch the last Q&A about Human Design Profile Lines yet? 

Watch HERE!
rainbow gradient with mans head with text "feeling whole again after narcissistic abuse with don st. john." on the Empath and the narcissist podcast

Are you feeling like a shell of a person?

In tomorrow’s episode on the podcast, Don St John, a psychotherapist and Continuum teacher with nearly 60 years of experience, discusses healing from narcissistic abuse. He is the author of Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture, offering profound insights into reclaiming wholeness after abuse.

Overall, this episode provides valuable insights for anyone looking to set boundaries confidently and lead a more fulfilling life.

Listen Here tomorrow!

The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra invites us to reflect on what we are holding onto and ask ourselves: What are you letting go of?

I know for me it is letting go of my insecurity that I haven’t arrived yet, and I shouldn’t be offering coaching or HD readings because I’m so new to it. 

But that’s the darkness talking. I’m letting go of that and I’m leaning into the Kabbalah teachings that share that you are perfect already just the way you are. 


You are here to grow and evolve as a Soul. 

Perfection is not an arrival. And trust me – I am an A type perfectionist. As a child I would get mad at myself for not being able to do something right away. I could see how to do it, but hated how my body or fingers couldn’t just do it.  And I have the Gate 57 fear of the future connected to my Gate 34 of Power in my Sacral. 

This shows I have much doubt in my abilities and the results of my daily discipline. And have to battle that daily. 

(See how knowing your gates in Human Design is so powerful?) You can learn more in the exclusive podcast content membership here

But what I’m trying to say is I’ve discovered this concept of visualization like a wormhole of alternate Universes where I exist as someone who I wish I could be. 

And when I spend just a few moments focusing in on that person I can glean knowledge, power, and confidence from her. 

And you can too. 

I’ll share with you a new mantra I’m saying AT LEAST once a day. 

It is from the Kabbalah (Which is one of the Human Design modalities.)

“I am complete in my certainty in the light of the Creator that I’ll know my purpose.” (you can also fill in the blank about what you are concerned about instead of purpose) 

“I am complete in my certainty in the light of the Creator that it will happen in any second.” 

“Then sit and imagine what it feels like when you fulfill this.”

This is a form of manifestation. And it is a high vibrational frequency. 

read more below…

two books sitting on white blanket. One title Empath and the Narcissist How to overcome narcissistic abuse and other Empath's Guide to Rising Strong Human Design Guidebook by Raven Scott

Heal from narcissistic abuse with powerful tools in my Amazon/Audible books. Reclaim your life and thrive! Available now.

Are you ready to heal and gain your power back? 

Let’s do this! 

Buy Empath and Narcissist Book Here!
Buy Empath’s Human Design Guide Book Here!

You may enjoy yesterday’s episode.

Relationship Green Flags

rainbow gradient with banner of green flags on top and large green flag in right corner with text "relationship green flags".

I’ve been working to produce 6 episodes a week without ads. 

BUT!!!! This week I have switched to 3 free episodes. And 3 Member only Exclusive healing with Human Design episodes.  

🔮✨ Exciting News! 🌟 Our latest membership podcast episode is now live, diving deep into the Aries Human Design Gates. Discover how these gates influence your energy and personality, and learn how to harness their power for personal growth and alignment. 

🚀 Listen the the sample now and explore the Aries Gates with us! 

Plus, you get two other episodes each week including meditation, and how to understand your Human Design chart. 

Did you know you can try our exclusive member content for free for 30 days

Join us on this transformative journey and unlock access to even more insightful episodes. Click the button below to start your free trial today! 

Try for FREE 30 Days Here!

This cosmic event is calling all of us to elevate our frequency. This World is so low frequency, and during this  potent time remember to release any lingering energies from past relationships, particularly those marked by Narcissistic abuse. 

Because Libra represents relationships, justice, fairness, and balance. This is the main theme for all of use. And depending on which house it is in for you, that will ad the flavor of your personal theme. 

By letting go of these old wounds, cutting cords, releasing resentment and anger and patterns, we create space for new, more empowering energies to enter our lives.

It’s important to remember that as empaths, we are already perfect in our sensitivity and empathy. However, our perfection lies in the process of evolving, not in reaching a final destination.

 The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra reminds us of this truth, encouraging us to embrace the journey of growth and transformation.

It’s not too late! 

I invite you to take some time during the next 48 hours to reflect on what you are ready to release. Journaling and burning, meditation, or simply quiet contemplation can be powerful tools for this process. 

You will reap the rewards of releasing this and leaning into manifesting what you desire for your highest good, for the next 18 months.  

Trust that by letting go, you are creating space for new blessings and opportunities to enter your life.

May this Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra be a time of deep healing and transformation for you. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and your fellow empaths are here to support you every step of the way.

With love and light, 

Raven Scott

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Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empaths Rising: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at

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