Empath Healing Community


With  Empath Healing Community, you’ll receive

  • Weekly Sound Bath Mediation Classes (Sundays)
  • Your real questions you submit answered in on demand videos every Friday
  • Meditation Library
  • Monthly group healing ceremony circles with Raven
  • Human Design And Healing from Narc Abuse weekly updated Library

We are not meant to go through these extremely hard times alone. We are meant to heal in community in ritual, in ceremony, communing with Mother Earth.

photo displays person holding ball with reflection of horizon
Photo by Sindre Fs on Pexels.com

You are not alone.

I remember when I first left my ex how I lost everyone I thought was in my corner.  All those people who I thought were loyal to me believed his lies and blamed me for leaving. I was apalled that I would be made out to be the bad guy when all I was doing was saving my sanity and escaping for my life. 

I was strong, but I wasn’t always strong. I almost committed suicide in that relationship. So I had to start a whole new life all over with different people. 

As I finally found strength and new people who would come in and be my angels in my healing journey, I realized community is invaluable.

What Empaths are saying…

I love the format of the library! This has been so good for me. I feel so alone and isolated. I love the monthly group to support me.”

“I understand how you feel! I’m so glad you were able to overcome your fear! I think your podcast is amazing and I can’t wait to join your community.” 

“I struggle with knowing how to co-parent with my x narcissist. And need help and support.” 

Sneak Peak Inside

~ Easy, organized content for learning about Narcissism and how to heal as an empath. ~ Calm your Anxiety with guided meditations and healing moon rituals~ Get your Human Design chart and learn how unique you are~ Access Weekly Q&A…

Gain access below to listen to more.

Narc Abuse Ed

Calming & Healing Meditations

Human Design