Finding Connection to Your Star Seed Soul

Embracing Your Star Seed Nature

A person sits in a field of flowers, gazing into a starry sky filled with cosmic dust. The text overlay reads, "You are a Star seed - embrace your 'peace' in the puzzle of humanity." The scene evokes a sense of connection to the universe and inner contemplation.
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Dear Empath,

As empaths, we often struggle with feeling confident and connected to our true selves. Due to the expectations and programming of this World, there’s a lingering sense that something is off, a feeling that we are not entirely in sync with our inner being. This is a common experience, but it’s essential to remember that you are more than just an empath—you are a star seed, a unique and vital piece of the cosmic puzzle of humanity.

What is a Star Seed?

A star seed is a soul that originates from another planet, star system, or galaxy. These souls have incarnated on Earth to bring light, wisdom, and healing.

Star seeds often feel out of place and disconnected because their energy signatures are different from those of Earth natives. They are highly intuitive, sensitive, and possess an innate understanding of universal truths and spiritual wisdom.

Some call themselves Black Sheep, others Cycle Breakers, others Healers, and many other names similar.

No matter what you identify as, you are light to shift the codes of this Earth.

A person sits in a field of flowers, gazing into a starry sky filled with cosmic dust.The scene evokes a sense of connection to the universe and inner contemplation as a Star Seed.
Art Designed by Raven Scott

Signs You Might Be a Star Seed

  1. Feeling Different or Out of Place: From a young age, you’ve felt that you don’t quite fit in with the crowd.
  2. Strong Intuition and Sensitivity: You are highly intuitive and sensitive to the energies around you.
  3. Interest in Space and the Stars: You feel a strong connection to the cosmos and an unexplainable fascination with space.
  4. Desire to Help and Heal Others: You have a deep-seated desire to assist in the healing and awakening of humanity.
  5. Experiences of Synchronicity: You often encounter meaningful coincidences that seem to guide you on your path.

Embracing Your “Peace” in the Puzzle

As a star seed and empath, your role in the grand scheme of humanity is crucial. I say “peace”, because that is what we seek. But also it is a homophone for piece, like a piece to the puzzle.

In Human Design we learn that we each have a unique shape to our energy frequency, like a puzzle piece. And in using your strategy, authority, and main gift you bring through your Sun Gate.

When you can find your clarity on your puzzle piece, knowing it is not alone on an island we heal and grow. But as piece to a greater picture and purpose, just as the concept of you being a Star seed.

You are here to anchor light, promote healing, and raise the vibration of the planet. Embrace your unique gifts and recognize that your sensitivity is a strength, not a weakness.

You are a beacon of peace and healing in a world that desperately needs your light.

Do not let the attacks of the darkness stop you or scare you from your mission!

A graphic featuring the words "Healing with Human Design" in large, bold letters set against a pastel-colored background with a Human Design chart overlay. Butterflies and stars are scattered around the image, adding a mystical touch. At the bottom, the name "Raven Scott" is displayed. Podcast cover art.
New Cover Art for Healing with Human Design Podcast

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Finding Your Unique Energy Map with Human Design

As you may not know, I have been studying Human Design for the last four years. Obsessed with its ability to lend me answers and guidance on how to emotionally mature. How to heal, how to parent, how to know what my light codes are meant to recode on this Earth. And what my gift is that I bring to this World. And how help you know what your gift is to bring to this World.

Human Design is a powerful tool that combines Astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to create a detailed map of your unique energy. This system can help you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and the best way for you to operate in this world.

Steps to Discover Your Human Design:
  1. Get Your Chart: Fill in the form on the home page and enter your birth date, time, and location to receive your free Human Design chart and summary from Raven.
  2. Understand Your Type: There are five main types in Human Design: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each type has a specific role and strategy. In this summary Raven will explain what it means to be your type.
  3. Learn About Your Authority: Your authority guides how you make decisions. It could be emotional, sacral, splenic, ego, self-projected, environmental, or lunar. In this summary Raven will explain what it means to be your authority.
  4. Explore Your Profile: Your profile consists of two numbers that represent your personality and life theme. Understanding your profile helps you navigate your life path. In this summary Raven will explain what it means to be your profile.
  5. Get a free mini session with Raven:

Using Human Design to Find Your Place in the World

Human Design helps you align with your true self, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges and embrace your star seed mission. By understanding your unique energy map, you can:

  • Make Aligned Decisions: Follow your authority to make decisions that are true to your nature.
  • Embrace Your Strengths: Recognize and utilize your inherent strengths and gifts.
  • Understand Your Challenges: Identify areas where you may face challenges and learn how to navigate them.
  • Live Authentically: Align with your true self, fostering confidence and a deeper sense of connection.

Ready to embrace your true self and step into your power? Book your free Human Design clarity session now [HERE].

Don’t miss out on this chance to gain clarity, direction, and empowerment!

A graphic with the title "Healing with Human Design" at the top. Below, the text reads "Gate 8 Contribution" with a description: "You have a strong sense of purpose and desire to make meaningful contribution." The image features a Human Design chart highlighting Gate 8. The background has a soft, watercolor effect in pastel shades. At the bottom, the website "" is displayed.

The Energy impact this week of Gate 8

In Human Design, each gate represents a specific energy and influence in our lives. When the Sun is in Gate 8, also known as the Gate of Contribution or Holding Together, you possess a unique and powerful leadership skill.

You inspire collaboration and working for the common good.

  • If you have this circled on your chart, you will get a boost from the Cosmos to embrace your talent.
  • If you do not have this circled on your chart, you will feel a wave of this collaborative leadership energy to surge your endeavors.

This gate is located in the Throat Center reaching down to connect with the energy of the self expression – and is associated with the energy of contribution, creativity, and leadership.

An image of a woman hand stirring coffee on saucer with powdered cookies and a paperback book overlayed with purple background with text "Empaths guide to rising strong Human Design guidebook for self-discovery Raven Scott" and the Amazon symbol in lower left hand corner.
Empaths Guide to Rising Strong Book available in Kindle and Paperback today!

You can read more about the Energy of Gate 8 in my book Empath’s Guide to Rising Strong: A Human Design Guidebook for Self-Discovery. The Kindle & Paperback are now available on Amazon.

The audio book will be available on Audible May 23. NEXT WEEK! eek!

Buy Paperback here

As a star seed and empath, your journey may not always be easy, but it is profoundly meaningful.

Embrace your uniqueness and remember that you are an integral part of the cosmic puzzle.

Your light, wisdom, and healing energy are vital to the evolution of humanity.

Use tools like Human Design, my books, astrology, Moonology, meditations, crystals, and coaching to guide you on your path, helping you to find your place in this world and shine brightly as the star seed you are meant to be.

With lots of love, lift your light up,

Raven Scott

Book free clarity coaching call here

Published by Raven Scott Nguyen

Raven Scott Nguyen is a passionate advocate for self-empowerment and authentic living, dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of narcissistic abuse. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a deep commitment to personal growth, Raven is the author of "Empath & The Narcissist: Overcoming Gaslighting and Manipulation." This groundbreaking book offers a transformative roadmap for survivors of narcissistic abuse, guiding them towards a life filled with happiness and authenticity healing PTSD, and Trauma from abuse. Drawing from extensive knowledge of Human Design, energy healing, and empathic abilities, Raven is also the author of "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong" a powerful guide that delves into the intricacies of Human Design to help empaths harness their unique energies for self-empowerment and healing. As an empath who has journeyed through the depths of narcissistic abuse, Raven is deeply committed to empowering fellow empaths on their healing journey. With a profound understanding of the emotional landscapes empaths navigate. Raven is the host and producer of "Empath and the Narcissist: Healing with Human Design" This podcast serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering practical guidance and insights for those seeking to reclaim their lives and live authentically. Raven is a passionate advocate for shadow work, self-care Moon rituals, and Human Design, and is dedicated to guiding individuals towards a life of self-empowerment and inner peace. With a compassionate heart and a wealth of knowledge, Raven continues to inspire and uplift others on their path to healing and self-discovery through her blog at

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